Entrepreneur Spotlight: Susan M. Freeman

“During my experience in the 10-week course, I was taught the beauty of networking, time management and the basis of operating a business. One particularly great lesson for me was figuring out my break-even point and making a profit.”

Susan M. Freeman began her career in insurance in 1992, working in the corporate world. Fast forward 19 years to when her job with the insurance company was eliminated. Although the thought of owning her own business seemed too far-fetched up until that point, Susan was determined not to be set back and decided to pursue the entrepreneur path.

While she began her company, Susan M. Freeman Enterprises, in 2011, it wasn’t until the Spring of 2013 that she went through LAUNCH’s Business Entrepreneurship Academy. Susan admits that when she began the class, “My thoughts were full of fear of the unknown, but also excitement as I felt I would get the knowledge and tools needed to sustain my newly launched business.”

Susan’s instincts were right. She says, “During my experience in the 10-week course, I was taught the beauty of networking, time management and the basis of operating a business. One particularly great lesson for me was figuring out my break-even point and making a profit.”

Susan M. Freeman Enterprises provides a full range of health, prescription drugs, dental and limited life insurance products to individuals, families, small and large businesses from five major health insurance carriers and specializes in Medicare coverage.

“My primary goal is to portray, maintain and achieve high levels of character and integrity to all that I encounter regardless of ethnicity or social status,” Susan says. “I aim to be an asset to the community by educating, empowering and accommodating the client on their well-being and life needs.”

Susan’s roles at LAUNCH

Susan now facilitates a Business Entrepreneurship Academy (BEA) cohort at the American Job Center location in Brainerd. She works hard to lead these budding entrepreneurs through the course work, all while remaining supportive and encouraging throughout. In addition, Susan is a facilitator this spring for a LAUNCH High School Entrepreneurship class at the Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy. The youth are benefiting from Susan’s gifts of encouragement and knowledge.  

What made her want to help other entrepreneurs? “I wanted to become a facilitator for LAUNCH because I believe in their vision,” she explains. “I also want to empower and encourage other potential entrepreneurs and give hope by sharing my experiences as a CEO and business owner.”

Do you need insurance? Or do you need to supply insurance for your employees? Contact Susan M. Freeman Enterprises for an appointment!